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Automating Oracle

Oracle Tips by Mike Ault

Reset Of Kept Packages

Many times, for one reason or another, databases are periodically shutdown and restarted. The shutdown of a database releases the kept objects and this kept object information is not retained. Thus, upon restart, the objects must be re-kept. For those not sure what this process entails, let me explain. Each PL/SQL object, whether it be a procedure, function, package or trigger, is stored in the shared pool library caches after it is used. If the objects in the shared pool aren’t re-used, then they are eventually aged out by means of a modified least recently used (LRU) algorithm. Sometimes, objects that shouldn’t get aged out do, resulting in a performance hit when they must be recalled from disk. In order to prevent aging of objects out of the shared pool Oracle has provided a package called DBMS_SHARED_POOL that contains a procedure KEEP that is used to flag an object as KEPT preventing it from being aged out of the pool.

By creating a table that holds the names of kept objects, we can create a PL/SQL procedure that periodically wakes up and if required, re-issues the command to keep various objects in the shared pool. Figure 4 shows the structure of an example table.


For more information on this topic, I recommend Don Burleson's latest book "Oracle Tuning: The Definitive Reference". 

You can buy it direct from the publisher for 50%-off and get instant access to the code depot of Oracle tuning scripts:


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