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   Oracle Tips by Burleson

Oracle10g Shared Pool Advice

Oracle9i release 2 introduced a new advice utility called v$shared_pool_advice. This utility is the mechanism used by Oracle Database 10g to determine a RAM shortage in the shared pool.

Starting in Oracle9i release 2, the v$shared_pool_advice view shows the marginal difference in SQL parses as the shared pool changes in size from 10% of the current value to 200% of the current value.

The Oracle documentation contains a complete description for the setup and use of shared pool advice, and it is very simple to configure. Once it is installed, you can run a simple script to query the v$shared_pool_advice view and see the marginal changes in SQL parses for different shared_pool sizes.


                                                               Est        Est

                                            Time      Parse

Pool        Size        Est     Est LC      Saved     Saved          Est
Size(M)     Factor     LC(M)    Mem. Obj.   (sec)     Factor      Object Hits
---------- ---------- ---------- ---------- ---------- ---------- ----------

        48         .5         48      20839    1459645   1       135,756,032
        64      .6667         63      28140    1459645   1       135,756,101
        80      .8333         78      35447    1459645   1       135,756,149
        96          1         93      43028    1459645   1       135,756,253
       112     1.1667        100      46755    1459646   1       135,756,842
       128     1.3333        100      46755    1459646   1       135,756,842
       144        1.5        100      46755    1459646   1       135,756,842
       160     1.6667        100      46755    1459646   1       135,756,842
       176     1.8333        100      46755    1459646   1       135,756,842
       192          2        100      46755    1459646  1        135,756,842

Here we see the statistics for the shared pool in a range from 50% of the current size to 200% of the current size. These statistics can give you a great idea about the proper size for the shared_pool_size.

If you are using AMM, Oracle Database 10g will adjust the shared_pool_size area with automated “alter system” commands, always ensuring that there is an optimal balance between the SGA RAM regions.

Get the complete Oracle10g story:

The above text is an excerpt from "Oracle Database 10g New Features: Oracle10g Reference for Advanced Tuning and Administration", by Rampant TechPress.  Written by top Oracle experts, this book has a complete online code deport with ready to use scripts. 

To get the code instantly, click here:

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